domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Investor Profiles

Are you looking to raise capital for your hedge fund from Institutional Investors? Investor Profiles can help you to do this faster and more effectively.

View Investor Profiles: details for nearly 1,900 institutions worldwide who invest in hedge funds, listing name, type of investor, background, location, assets under management, current and target allocation to hedge funds, current areas of interest by location and strategy, description of investment plans and key contacts. Investors covered include:

  • Hedge Fund of Funds
  • Public Pension Funds
  • Endowments
  • Family Offices and Foundations
  • Insurance Companies
  • Asset Managers

Download to Word: prepare briefing documents for a roadshow; combine our profiles with your own notes and comments.

Search for Investors by Location: search by city and state as well as by country and region, and type of Investor - e.g. list all endowments and foundations in Toronto, Canada? all public pension plans in Europe?

View Investors by firm: view which Investors have previously invested with particular hedge fund managers.

Find Investors with specific investment plans: find precisely the investors you are looking for - e.g. Who is interested in investing with hedge fund of funds?


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